Mom of the Week

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they?  What is your greatest wish for them? I am the lucky mother of four children. I have a four-year-old,  a three-year-old, and eight- month old twins. My four-year-old and three-year-old are my boys and the twins are girls. I know you’re thinking I probably have my hands full and you’re right. But it is the best hands full that I’ve ever experienced. I love...

What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? What is your greatest wish for them? I have three incredible children! Reese (6) is the leader of the pack. She is wise beyond her years, deeply kind and full of personality. Hunter (4) is a deep thinker and sensitive soul with natural comedic timing and charm. Presley, my littlest love, joined our family just 12 days ago! She is delicious, sleepy and...

Photo by - Noam Galai/NBC What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? What is your greatest wish for them? My kids are 10, 8, and 4. I love playing with them - we have family dance parties every single night, but my greatest joy comes from reading to them every night before bed. My wish for them is that they find happiness.    Who has had the biggest influence upon you?   My mom and...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? What is your greatest wish for them? As my kids get older, I’m finding it so magical to introduce them to hobbies and passions of mine, and to see them engage and love them, too. We spend a lot of time baking together, painting, and doing art projects. They even love decorating for holidays with me! I find these little moments at home...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? What is your greatest wish for them? I have two boys - 11 and 5. The age difference can be tricky, but lately I’ve been appreciating that I have “little kid” and “big kid” time with them. It lets me enjoy each stage with them individually. Right now with my kindergartener my favorite things to do are reading with him and playing...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? What is your greatest wish for them? I have three boys – Teddy is four years old, Jack is two and a half years old, and William turned one in January. They have a lot of energy, so any activities that involve being outside are our favorite! My greatest wish for them is to grow up happy, healthy, kind, and have the ability...

  Natasha Nikic, a local resident, recently launched IV on Command in Greenwich. Natasha, a registered nurse by training and healthcare executive, and her sister, Amanda, operate IV on Command (IVOC) in Miami. IVOC’s Wellness Experts and IV Concierges have become the preferred providers for celebrities, business leaders, and other individuals in the Miami area seeking to enhance their wellness and achieve peak performance.   Residents of Greenwich and the surrounding areas now have access to the same...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them?    My kids are now 26 years old (Twins). I love traveling with them, dinners, golf, bowling, and hanging out with them. It has changed a bit since they were kids, the way we spend time together. My greatest wish is for their happiness and that they believe in themselves that they can do whatever they...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? I love to cuddle with my children before bed and talk with them about what’s on their minds. I’m blessed to have two boys who like sharing their feelings. It makes our relationship strong. Jack is 12 and Luke is 9. My greatest wish for them is that they continue to be the caring young...

  Besides motherhood, what other careers/opportunities have you enjoyed? And what are your strongest qualities? I just took the huge leap of opening my own salon in Greenwich, BOHEME SALON. Unfortunately, I was let go from my last salon because of Covid, so I took the chance to realize my forever dream to bring to life a salon that marries luxury standards with a relaxed bungalow vibe that has been missing in the space. I knew I wanted...

    What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? I have one biological child and 2 'bonus' children (aka: step-children, but I like to say 'bonus':) My son is 7, and my other two are 10 and 12. It's a brood! Honestly, my favorite times with them are when we are just hanging out together--whether that means just watching a movie together on a...

     What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? I have 3 sons. My oldest is 23, my middle son is almost 18 and my youngest is forever 14. He passed away in November 2018 and would be 16 now. I love hanging out with them, watching all kinds of different things on TV, but especially Jeopardy. My greatest wish is for them...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? I have two kids, Jake (4) and Lola (2). One of our favorite things to do together is to head to the beach, where we all can relax and recharge on the sand. I am lucky to have two kids who love the beach as much as I do, and now that we live so close...

    What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? My son, Lachlan, is 4.5 and my daughter, Ainsley, is almost 3. We do a lot together, but it’s usually bedtime that I relish. This is partially because I can slow down and it is easier to be fully present mentally, but it is also because Lachlan especially has reached an age where he invents...

  We first interviewed Saira Rao for our Mom of the Week column in June 2013. She had just co-founded In This Together Media, a company that published books featuring “real” girls as central characters. Since then, ITTM has gone on to publish books featuring brown, black, gay, and disabled kids, with great success.  “Representation matters,” Saira explained. All kinds of children like to see themselves in books. We caught up with her again in 2018 when...

  Daniella created, a website about parenting, special needs and life lessons.   What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? I love to go to the American Museum of Natural History with Diego, who is 25. Diego has autism and loves wild animals. It’s incredible to see his excitement about trips to the museum, from the anticipation leading to them, to him going from...

    If you read Party with Moms regularly, you already are familiar with the work of Greenwich moms, Kaile Zagger and Diane Powis on establishing the MAT Designation to educate physicians about the early signs of Ovarian Cancer. In conjunction with Yale New Haven Health, Greenwich Hospital, and Discovery to Cure, the MAT designation is a rigorous course and exam provided to non-oncology doctors to help them understand symptoms, genetics and family history to effectively screen...

  Cycle for SUPERWOMAN September 17th at Soul Cycle Studio, Greenwich @ 7:15 PM Kaile Zagger and Diane Powis, in partnership with Discovery to Cure and Greenwich Hospital, launched a new program in May 2019, designed to educate the medical provider community on how to identify, risk stratify and manage women who present with the puzzling and disparate symptoms of Ovarian Cancer –and train the doctors to act immediately. The program, called MAT Designation, aims to eliminate the long period...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? Graci - I have a 5-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter. They crack me up all day long and constantly keep me on my toes! And as for my greatest wish for them, like any parent, I hope they grow up to be happy and confident and, of course, have wonderful lifelong friendships - Hagar and...

  Kaile Josephs Zagger launched Greenwich’s Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in September of 2018 to honor her late mother, Marilyn Ann Trahan who died at 46 of Ovarian Cancer. “My mom was a beautiful, vibrant woman. Looking back, the signs were there, but she was high-functioning, didn’t miss a beat and lived life to the fullest, so we didn’t worry as much as we should have. One day, it changed…. She went to work, became very ill...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? My son turned 4 in November and he is my daily sidekick. We are always running errands, grabbing lunch or making a pit stop at the Aquarium. My greatest wish for him is to be happy - happy with the decisions he makes, the person he is and the impact he is making on the...

    What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? We love going on mother/son “dates." Whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, we talk about our days, exciting things that have happened or things that are challenging us. It’s a nice way to reconnect and model proper behaviors! My son just turned seven on July Fourth! My greatest wish is for him to continue to find...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? Geralyn Grace (GG) will be 5 this November, hard to believe! She is 4 going on 30 and just amazes me every day. She is smart, kind, a ball of fun and a beautiful little soul. I love our relationship and how much she wants to talk about real world things now. It’s a very...

  What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? I love to read to my children (9 year old twins). I do character voices and accents and we snuggle close.  My greatest wish for them is to find something in life that releases their creativity and makes them joyful, and that they can do that every day.  Who has had the biggest influence upon you?  My husband. He has...

What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them?  I have a wonderful daughter who is 7 years old. We love to swim in our pool together, draw/color, play card games, go to different playgrounds and play tag, and read to each other. My greatest wish for her is to be happy and successful in her own way. Who has had the biggest influence upon...

What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? My daughter Lily is 7 and my son Owen will be 6 in July. I love to just BE with them – playing, cooking, shopping, learning. I especially love taking them to Tod’s Point and hanging out at the beach together. We have a camp in the Adirondacks that is off the grid, and I...

What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them?   I have 3 children, two girls and one boy. Kiara is turning 7 in a few days, Alexa is 4 and Samuel is 4 months old. My favorite thing to do with them is go out to eat as a family. We spend good, quality time together, we talk about everything, laugh and enjoy...

  Brooke, tell us a bit about your latest venture, statement.  statement. is a lifestyle brand I founded one year ago to inspire, guide, motivate, and help people to celebrate life daily. In addition to organizing galas for charitable organizations, we discover interesting destinations, and curate unique events and experiences. [caption id="attachment_9290" align="aligncenter" width="608"] Photo Credit Bob Capazzo.[/caption] How’d you come up with the terrific “Races & ‘Ritas” idea? Can you mention what types of food and drinks you’ll be serving? I never...