May 9, 2019 3:56 pm First Annual Weevster 18 Golf Outing Is A Tremendous Success
Published on May 9, 2019
in Giving Back
By Remy Cook
Paul Sudell & Remy Cook
I was honored to attend the 1stAnnual Weevster 18 Golf Outing on Monday, May 6th at The Griff. The outing memorialized Steven “Weev” Sudell, who lost his battle with brain cancer in November 2018 at age 14, and raised funds for an organization dear to his heart, Make-A-Wish Connecticut.
Make-A-Wish Connecticut sent Steven and his family to the Bahamas in the year before his death, and they were able to enjoy golf and deep sea fishing. Steven wanted to give back to Make-A-Wish so other kids could have the same opportunity he did. The golf outing was very successful, raising $20,000 for the worthy cause.
Vidar, Augie, Tron & Remy