August 8, 2016 10:36 am Bro of the Month – Block Island Legend, Tom Mahoney
Tom Mahoney may very well be the most popular person on Block Island. All the people who live there know him. Mentioning his name always brings a smile and an “I love Tom,” whether you are talking to a waitress, a realtor, a storeowner, or a builder.
Tom works in construction on the island during the week, building some of the beautiful new houses going up wherever there are ocean views. His claim to fame, though, is from his longtime weekend jobs bartending at the places where tourists congregate. His resume includes stints at the Yellow Kittens, Poor People’s Pub and he now presides over the bar at the Old Island Pub on Sunday afternoons.
Several years ago, when Tom had a serious medical problem, the whole island got together to help him back on his feet. They cheered when he was able to make a full recovery. You can tell that seeing him back to normal makes them really happy.
Even for the tourists, Tom is a fun guy to know. His happy-go-lucky charm makes everyone feel instantly at home. He introduces the people sitting at the bar to each other. Out of the blue, he will break into song, preferably by the Rolling Stones or the Beatles and he has a great voice. Or he might toss an empty beer bottle backwards over his shoulder into the trashcan (Nothing but net!) He has an encyclopedic knowledge of drinks, and can make any cocktail you name in a flash.
To liven things up, Tom sometimes mixes a drink in an unusual way. Check out his recent antics shaking margaritas.
P.S. The margaritas were delicious!
In rare moments of leisure, Tom can be found sitting and laughing with friends, sipping his favorite “daaark and stohrmy.” He is one of those people who just makes Block Island great.