Yellow Kittens Tag

  Tom Mahoney may very well be the most popular person on Block Island. All the people who live there know him. Mentioning his name always brings a smile and an “I love Tom,” whether you are talking to a waitress, a realtor, a storeowner, or a builder. Tom works in construction on the island during the week, building some of the beautiful new houses going up wherever there are ocean views. His claim to fame, though,...

Cozy… is a funny word to use about clothes in summer.  But our Party with Moms hoodie is as cozy as your bed.  Perfect for that day on the beach when the sun goes behind a cloud and a cool wind starts blowing.  Perfect for late evening when the temperature drops and your sunburn makes you shiver… perfect to pull over your head as the boat speeds along, kicking up spray…  And of course perfect...