July 20, 2015 9:58 am Mom of the Week And Birthday Girl Anitra Brooks Realizes Her Dream!
As Mom of the Week in July 2013, Anitra felt her greatest asset was her voice. She loved to sing, read dramatically and do voice-over commercials. She enjoyed providing vocal percussion while her 5-year old son Zafran made up songs about his toys. Music was a driving force in her life, but she had just had a second baby. She was busy caring for her children, doing private vocal coaching and writing songs.
By December 2014, Anitra was ready. She launched a Kickstarter campaign with the goal of getting money to create an album of original songs. Over 200 backers helped her to exceed her goal, and Anitra began working with various artists to produce her debut album, “I Walk in Your Light.”
The album reached backers in early July and they loved it. They celebrated with Anitra on Saturday, July 18th at a reception at the Greenwich Arts Council. It was a joyous party, with relatives, friends, and many children, all of whom congratulated Anitra and listened happily as she performed several of her songs from the album with Eric Kuhn, her longtime music collaborator. Anitra’s guests met Mike Tocci, who played many instruments on the album and also mixed and mastered the music.
Anitra’s songs and album are available on CDBABY, Amazon, Bandcamp and iTunes. Here is one of our favorites.
Happy Birthday, Anitra! We Walk In Your Light!
Mom of the Week Interview with Anitra