Author: PartywithMoms

Party with Moms attended a Greenwich Flea Market last Sunday.  We teamed up with our good friend Molson Hart, a fellow entrepreneur, and founder of Kikbo to work together.  We sold shirts and hats, while Molson sold Kikbos.  It was fun, and a lot of people took Party with Moms bumper stickers and business cards.  Everyone loved the idea behind Party with Moms and the exposure was great! [caption id="attachment_1544" align="aligncenter" width="608"] Anne Martine Cook had fun...

At the latest Putnam Indian Field School Teacher Appreciation dinner, the Moms running the event purchased Party with Moms shirts to wear while hosting.  After dinner, the event livened up, as you can see from the photo below.  This is a perfect example of Moms doing nice things for the teachers and then joining the fun.  It is the Moms way of saying thank you to the teachers who care for their little ones all...

Party with Moms LLC and friends of ours attended “The Wall Street Challenge,” to benefit the National Ovarian Cancer Early Detection Program at Mount Sinai School of Medicine on Thursday, September 15th.  We designed tee shirts for the gift bags at the event. The benefit took place at the Town Tennis Club on New York’s East Side.  Guests got to meet John McEnroe who auctioned off chances to play or practice with him.  The event was...