October 24, 2018 12:24 pm The Pumpkin Patch Is Back!
It’s an annual tradition now. In the middle of October, the trucks roll in delivering the pumpkins and hay bales that transform the Putnam Indian Field School play yard into a wonderful outdoor classroom with so much to learn and do!
The hay bales make a wonderful maze for climbing on, running through or jumping off. The children can’t believe their good fortune, or get enough time in the outdoors. The air is crisp and cool, the sun is shining, the leaves are turning bright colors and there are pumpkins to roll around or push all over the place in small wheelbarrows.
Exploration is the key. What does the inside of a pumpkin look like? How does it feel to put your hand in there? The children taste pumpkin bread, roasted pumpkin seeds and pumpkin soup. They love hammering golf tees into a pumpkin, and then using the claw of the hammer to pull them out again. Their hand muscles get stronger and stronger, allowing them to paint and draw pumpkins with ease.
The PIFS children love their pumpkin patch. They hope the rain stays away so they can run out there every day and have fun. And when their older siblings visit at dismissal time, the memories flood back and they can’t wait to jump out of the car and join the good times. The Pumpkin Patch is a wonderful way for the school to celebrate the fall season.
Phone – 203 – 661 – 4629
101 Indian Field Road, Greenwich, CT 06830