Putnam Indian Field School Tag

What do you love to do with your children? 1.  Travel.  Here we are at Bled Castle in Bled, Slovenia when my son was 13 months old. 2.  Read with them. My 13-year-old and I are reading Ray Bradbury's Dandelion Wine together for her required nightly reading.  Neither of us understands the story but we love the way it's written.  It's like looking into another world and not understanding what you're seeing but knowing that it's beautiful. My 4-year-old...

Serving both Fairfield and Westchester County families, PIFS Summer Camp for children ages 2 1/2 ~ 5 years old is located at their beautiful school campus in Greenwich, CT.  Putnam Indian Field School is a special place with exceptional teachers who are used to comforting and inspiring small children.  Give your child the gift of warm and nurturing learning experiences with small groups of children.  Their summer activities include art, music, water play, stories, block building and dramatic...