Party with Moms Hoodie Tag

Cozy… is a funny word to use about clothes in summer.  But our Party with Moms hoodie is as cozy as your bed.  Perfect for that day on the beach when the sun goes behind a cloud and a cool wind starts blowing.  Perfect for late evening when the temperature drops and your sunburn makes you shiver… perfect to pull over your head as the boat speeds along, kicking up spray…  And of course perfect...

  Chris is a former professional hockey player who wears many hats, especially his Party with Moms one. Chris has two main interests in his life; coaching young men the game of ice hockey and keeping the world hydrated with Sportwater. Chris is the owner and hockey director for CPS Hockey Development, a program that he runs out of Terry Conners Ice rink in Stamford, CT in the spring and summer. During the fall and winter Chris...

  Meet Shawn, the winner of our Party with Moms and Sport Water NFL Championship Weekend Giveaway! Not only did Shawn pick the Broncos and Seahawks to win, but he was within 4 points of the total points scored by both teams. Now that's impressive, ESPN should hook this bro up with a sweet analyst gig. Shawn's already enjoying his fresh hoodie and the best water in the world! You can follow him on Twitter @shawngoldsmith...