If you read Party with Moms regularly, you already are familiar with the work of Greenwich moms, Kaile Zagger and Diane Powis on establishing the MAT Designation to educate physicians about the early signs of Ovarian Cancer. In conjunction with Yale New Haven Health, Greenwich Hospital, and Discovery to Cure, the MAT designation is a rigorous course and exam provided to non-oncology doctors to help them understand symptoms, genetics and family history to effectively screen...

  Kaile Josephs Zagger launched Greenwich’s Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in September of 2018 to honor her late mother, Marilyn Ann Trahan who died at 46 of Ovarian Cancer. “My mom was a beautiful, vibrant woman. Looking back, the signs were there, but she was high-functioning, didn’t miss a beat and lived life to the fullest, so we didn’t worry as much as we should have. One day, it changed…. She went to work, became very ill...