Mom of the Week – Courtney Karasin, Mother of 3 and Owner of Songs For Seeds

Mom of the Week – Courtney Karasin, Mother of 3 and Owner of Songs For Seeds

What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? What is your greatest wish for them?

I have three incredible children! Reese (6) is the leader of the pack. She is wise beyond her years, deeply kind and full of personality. Hunter (4) is a deep thinker and sensitive soul with natural comedic timing and charm. Presley, my littlest love, joined our family just 12 days ago! She is delicious, sleepy and eating up all the endless attention from her big siblings (as if she had a choice! lol). I know it sounds cliche, but I love doing anything and everything with my kids. Experiencing the world anew through their eyes fills me with immense joy. My greatest wish for my children is that they always feel deeply loved, form long lasting friendships and embrace a life full of abundant kindness, both giving and receiving.

Who has had the biggest influence upon you?

My husband, Jesse! Right before we got married, I decided to leave my corporate job and start my own business. I was a nervous wreck about the change, but Jesse’s natural aptitude for entrepreneurship and endless support gave me the confidence I needed to make the leap. Jesse has this remarkable ability to instill in me the belief that I’m capable of achieving anything. Being an entrepreneur can sometimes feel isolating, and during those challenging times, his unwavering support and belief in me have been my cornerstone.

What quality do you most admire in a mother?

Her unwavering devotion. My own mother exemplifies this through her boundless dedication to my sister and me. Regardless of the circumstances—whatever we ask, wherever we are, or whatever we need—she consistently prioritizes our well-being. I strive to emulate this same level of devotion with my own children. Ensuring they feel deeply loved every day is of the utmost importance to me, so they can look back on their childhood with joyful, grateful hearts.

Besides motherhood, what other careers/opportunities have you enjoyed? And what do you enjoy most about your work?

I have been blessed to find satisfaction in two careers! After college, I spent eight years in production management at MTV/Viacom. I got to work on some incredible productions such as the VMA’s and Movie Awards and form relationships with incredibly talented coworkers – some of whom are among my closest friends to this day. Transitioning from MTV to starting my own business, songs for seeds, was driven by my desire to prioritize being a mother above all else. Through owning my own business, I am able to flexibly devote my time to my children, whilst facilitating joyful, treasured experiences for other families to have with their little ones as well – talk about a win, win!

What are your strongest qualities?

My empathy, kindness and dedication to those I love.

What is your idea of a perfect day?

I love creating new family traditions, so any day where we can do something that feels special – such as cooking a new dish together or visiting a new nature trail – anything that my children look forward to doing again, is perfect to me. I also love days that are completely unplanned, with no obligations or schedules to adhere to. Just embracing the day as it unfolds, spending quality time together without any pressure to go anywhere or do anything specific—simply being present.

Favorite books? Movies or TV Shows?

My guilty pleasure is watching all the Real Housewives Shows (much to my husband’s dismay lol) —I love to sit back and watch the ridiculous drama unfold. Since becoming a parent, my reading time has dwindled but I do enjoy a good podcast while cleaning up at the end of the day – anything featuring Brene Brown!

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would choose Greece, a destination I’ve yet to experience! My family and I are hoping to spend an entire month exploring the beauty and culture of Greece next summer.

Tell us what your dream house would look like and where would it be?

A colonial style house that incorporates diverse shapes and architectural elements. Either white Hardy siding with black windows OR gray/blue Coastal Shingles! I absolutely love the peacefulness of Cape Cod and would love to own a home there some day.

Where is your go-to restaurant to Party with Moms and what is your drink of choice?

Half Moon in Dobbs Ferry with an extra dirty martini!