September 16, 2021 5:24 pm Seeking BS/MD Admissions Help For Seniors In September? It’s Too Late
Written by – Admissions Expert, Dr. Lowe
It’s mid-September, and we are currently receiving calls and emails from anxious parent of high school seniors requesting BS/MD Admissions help. Here is the problem for these parents (and students). It’s too late!
Valuable and trusted BS/MD help starts as early as middle school prior to high school. The optimum time to hire an educational consultant, who specializes in BS/MD admissions, is sophomore or junior year (when you see that the student is committed to being a doctor, they have at least one year of high school grades).
Not surprisingly, when we receive these calls, students sound exactly alike: high SAT/ACT scores, 4.3 and above weighted GPA, shadowing, published research paper (or two), a website indicating that they have helped socio-economically disadvantaged students. Their achievements sound exactly alike; it is as though they have been reading the same books, visiting the same websites and talking with the same people. Although these parents have yet to experience the outcome of this practice, it generally means they have prepared their children to be rejected from BS/MD programs and ivy league and highly selective colleges and universities. By simply procrastinating, their mistakes are irreversible and irrevocable. It is simply too late for our firm to correct their mistakes or make recommendations to enhance their student profiles.
BS/MD admissions is super-competitive. We find ways through our experience and knowledge to help our clients stand out. We know that our clients who have retained us from the sophomore or junior year will look and sound superior to other students. Our acceptance results speak to this!
Parents need a trusted resource to help them navigate the fast-paced and highly-selective admissions process!
“Being different and understanding differences allow me to help our clients stand out and be accepted!” – Dr. Paul Lowe
“Admissions is a competitive sport! Why gamble with uncertainty?” – Dr. Paul Lowe
“Parents hire us because they choose to pay an admissions expert who will help them avoid making mistakes.” – Dr. Paul Lowe
Dr. Paul Reginald Lowe is the managing director and lead admissions expert at Greenwich Admissions Advisors. Tel. (203) 542-7288, and founder affiliates – Ivy League Admissions Advisors and Private School Admissions Advisors of the Pinnacle Educational Center Admissions Advisors Group network.
Dr. Lowe specializes in providing exclusive service for families and students who are interested in applying to top private schools, Ivy League and highly selective colleges and combined BS/MD programs. Dr. Lowe also helps students gain admissions into their top choice private schools and colleges after they have been wait-listed and rejected.