February 29, 2016 12:05 pm Mom of the Week – Renee Litt, Mother of 3, Publicist, Lover of Live Music
What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them?
I love to do outdoor activities. We go on hikes in Pomerance and Mianus River and for walks at Tod’s Point. They are 15 (Dylan), 13 (Carly) and 11 (Chloe). My greatest wish for them is to live a happy life.
When and where are you the happiest?
I am happiest when I am a outside in nature, seeing live music and most of all when I am with Dylan, Carly and Chloe.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I hope to take my children to Australia one day (one of my dream destinations) but I am also excited to take them to Costa Rica in March!
Who has had the biggest influence upon you? And what quality do you most admire in a mother?
I think all the women in my life who are mothers (my tribe) influence the way I parent and and the way I live my life. They include my friends, my sister and my mother. The quality I admire most in a mother is one who gives her love to her children without conditions.
What do you like to do for fun?
I love to be with friends – walks at the beach, a glass of wine in front of a fire, traveling and most of all seeing live music (especially Jackson Browne). My love for Jackson Browne started while listening to my sister’s 8-track of Running on Empty when I was in Junior High School and really took off when I was working at VH1 in 1992 and met him backstage after his concert. Since then I have seen way too many shows of his to even count. My youngest daughter is named Chloe Jackson after him and she is a big fan as well!!!
I see many shows during the year, mostly at the newly revamped Capitol Theater in Port Chester. They have amazing acts and the sound and atmosphere are incredible. Recently I saw Don Henley and Sarah McLachlan. I am looking forward to Ben Harper, Anders Osborne and Wilco this winter.
What is one of your favorite books? Movies?
One of my favorite books is “Broken Open” by Elizabeth Lesser. My favorite movie is a tie between “A Star is Born” with Barbra Streisand or “Out of Africa.”
Besides motherhood, what other careers/opportunities have you enjoyed? What are your strongest qualities?
I am an independent publicist. Currently I am not working but have had clients that include The Allan Houston Legacy Foundation, Breast Cancer Alliance and Saraswati’s Yoga Joint in Norwalk.
My strongest work qualities are my creativity and my ability to connect.
What is your favorite type of food and what do you love to cook?
I don’t love to cook. My favorite type of food is anything with shellfish or any kind of Italian food.
What is your favorite time of the day and why?
My favorite time of the day is sunrise or sunset. Sunrise because of it being so quiet and you have your whole day in front of you and sunset because of the beauty.
Where is your favorite place to Party with Moms and what’s your favorite drink?
My favorite place to Party with Moms is Garcia’s (in Port Chester) and my favorite drink is anything with Tequila. 🙂