June 25, 2020 10:59 am Putnam Indian Field School Completes New Smokey’s Playscape
PIFS recently completed a new, multi-platform outdoor playscape. Outdoor play has always been central to the school’s mission and now, perhaps more than ever, it will serve as the backdrop for its students’ learning.
The CDC has mandated that when schools re-open, they must keep children in small groups, distanced from one another. With the new playscape, PIFS can easily uphold these new safety measures with a fun, enhanced outdoor play experience.
The new Smokey’s Playscape will provide children with interesting and imaginative play opportunities and the scope of it will allow different classes to enjoy it at a safe distance from one other.
The playscape, inspired by school founder Fred Wierdsma’s original Smokey’s Play Yard, was created by Environmental Design, the firm that built the Stamford Museum & Nature Center’s playground. The play yard features a zip line, log balance beams, a stump walk, several tree houses with slides, three swing sets, a tepee and climbing nets. When the grass grows taller, a real grass maze will be available for the children to explore.
Each piece of equipment presents a new challenge and learning experience for young bodies and minds. PIFS now has more outdoor, varied play spaces than ever before, strengthening the tradition of incorporating nature into every aspect of our education. We know that Fred Wierdsma would be thrilled. Head of School Sue Donaghy and the entire PIFS staff look forward to seeing the smiling, young faces out enjoying the new space this fall.
203 – 661 – 4629
101 Indian Field Road, Greenwich, CT 06830