May 12, 2021 4:13 pm PIFS Artists Shine Again!
The Putnam Indian Field School held its annual Art Expo last weekend. Children and their families were able to visit the school at assigned times in class “pods,” in order to minimize the possibility of spreading germs. Each class had spent weeks exploring a topic of interest, and working on related in-depth projects. Along the way, teachers noted the children’s ideas and guided them through the process, supported and encouraged by the school’s studio art teacher, Debbie Chodoff. The Art Expo was the culminating event, in which their projects, work and ideas were displayed. Parents were able to see their child’s growth in understanding, communicating, and working together through the creations of the class.
Here is a sample of projects –
“The Mud Club,” an exploration of mud, clay and the creation of a bunny garden.
Oh, My, Butterfly,” a study of the life cycle of butterflies.
“Ready, Set, Go,” a study of various sports.
“Down Under,” an investigation into underground animals and their habitats.
“We’re On a Roll,” investigating circles, wheels and balls and how they move.
“Not A Box,” transforming simple boxes into unique and imaginative structures.
“On The Farm,” a study of farm life, animals and the machines needed for farming.
“Castle Village,” a castle construction project, with multiple castles and lots of rooms.
“Where We Are From,” an investigation into each child’s family background with self-portraits.
“Lionni’s World,” a journey into his stories and illustrations. Through the stories of Leo Lionni, the children learned important life lessons about the value of friendship, cooperation and self-acceptance. They loved the stories, and were fascinated by Lionni’s illustrative techniques using painting and collage. Soon they were using his methods to create an accordion book and “movieola.”
Taking inspiration from the schools of Reggio Emilia in Italy, the faculty at PIFS believes that children express their ideas not only through language, but also through their drawing, painting, sculpting, singing, dancing, constructing, inventing, and discovering, Through long-term projects, children are encouraged to express themselves in all these and other ways. Working together, they learn to be social, to cooperate and to share their ideas and talents with others. Their parents were thrilled with the results!
203 – 661 – 4629
101 Indian Field Road, Greenwich, CT 06830