March 24, 2015 11:09 am Partying with Moms at Pinot’s Palette…
A special group of Moms held a reunion at Pinot’s Palette on Saturday afternoon, March 21st. They met 10 years ago at a Stamford Hospital Mothers Group with their newborn babies. They formed a playgroup for their little ones and met regularly until their children went to preschool. The Moms continued the fun, meeting each other for dinner every month.
Amazingly, the group has stuck together for all ten years, supporting each other through life’s various challenges. One recent night they gathered at Pinot’s Palette to paint, drink and have fun together. They enjoyed the experience so much they decided to do it again and include their former babies.
That’s why they gathered on Saturday. The moms have been in touch, but some of their children, who knew each other from the early playgroups, were getting reacquainted as they painted their canvases and enjoyed snacks. All the kids at the party were 10 years old, born within 3 months of each other.
Art instructor Kathy Chattoraj of Greenwich led the group in painting their canvases. Often the kids chose to do their own designs. They all were completely interested and engaged, as were their Moms. Party with Moms had fun checking out Pinot’s awesome studio and meeting the moms.
Reserve a date today- Signing up online is the best way!
Email – stamford@pinotspalette.com
Phone – 203 – 588 – 9893