January 20, 2015 2:39 pm Navigating The College Admissions Process – The Admissions Maze
Join Dr. Paul Lowe, leading global educational and admissions expert, and senior advisor and founder of Greenwich Admissions Advisors, as he helps you navigate the agonizing waters in preparing and getting your child into college.
This free informative seminar is for high school parents and students who are interested in applying to Ivy League, highly selective and competitive schools and Combined BA/MD Programs.
Join other concerned parents and students for an interactive discussion followed by an intimate Q&A. Limited seating.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
2:00PM to 3:00PM
Woman’s Club of Greenwich (89 Maple Avenue)
Greenwich Admissions Advisors Contact Information-
Telephone: (203) 542-7288
E-mail: info@greenwichadmissionsadvisors.com
Website: www.greenwichadmissionsadvisors.com