December 11, 2017 9:29 am Mom of the Week, Theresa Hatton – VP, Managing Broker at Coldwell Banker
What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them?
I have one fabulously literal, sharp and song-filled 11 year-old daughter. We love to ride bikes, hike with the dogs, paint and see concerts and theater.
My greatest wish is for her to know herself well-enough to be able to make choices that will provide her with happiness and satisfaction in life and to conquer any challenges they may come her way (and I secretly wish that she doesn’t grow up and move too far away from her mom!).
Who has had the biggest influence upon you?
My mother has had the greatest influence on me. I knew that I could always go to her with any question and if she didn’t have an answer right away, she was so resourceful that she could come up with an article, a person or an example of what I was looking for… and these were the days before the Internet. My father also taught me lessons by example of giving back to the community, taking the high road and making the right choices for the good of the whole.
What quality do you most admire in a mother?
Love. I just really enjoy watching mothers with their unlimited amounts of love working with their children to make the best choices that they can for their child’s future. The selfless, tireless and generous amounts of energy shared by moms is very motivating.
Besides motherhood, what other careers/opportunities have you enjoyed? And what are your strongest qualities?
I have been lucky to have enjoyed all of my professional experiences in both the for-profit sector and the non-profit sector. From the days of working at technology start-ups with a folding table as a desk through acquisitions and Fortune 500 companies, all of the experiences have been fun, a lot of hard work and meaningful. After leaving one position and seeing the job posting that my former employer made looking for a replacement, it stated “If you are a geek who can speak, we want you.” My manager said that I have an uncanny ability to be in marketing yet understand all of the engineers, their language, their thought processes, etc… and that has served me well. I am a techie and a marketing and business administrator all in one. I love to laugh at work and I like to make things more efficient and productive.
I recently started a new role, managing the Coldwell Banker offices in Greenwich and Old Greenwich. I am so excited to be working with a group of professionals who represent the entire Greenwich market, from small rentals to lavish waterfront luxuries. Our agents live and work in Greenwich and give back to the community. I am thrilled to use my 12-year real estate management background to assist our agents’ clients in their moves from one home to another.
Were you happiest in elementary, middle high school or college? Please explain why.
As I think back, I would say elementary. There was always something new to learn and there wasn’t any pressure on grades or performance. It was fun to be able to go to music class and then gym, then art and then all of the other subjects in the main classroom. I enjoyed not having to choose between subjects and having time to explore all of them.
What do you like to do for fun and what is your idea of a perfect day?
A perfect day would start with a hike in the woods with the dogs followed by a Starbucks or brunch. After that, a little cooking and making a meal that takes all day to cook and has the house filled with a delicious aroma. While everything cooks, a late afternoon/early evening boat ride on the LI Sound with friends and family and a return home to a delicious meal and a movie.
What is one of your favorite books? Movies?
I love the movie Love Actually. It is a holiday favorite in our home. I do not have an all-time favorite book, though I just finished a book titled The Address an historic fiction book about the early development of New York City and the architecture and social norms, etc. The book goes back and forth between the early 1990’s and the late 1800’s and centered on the Dakota building with interesting characters. A very interesting read!
What is your favorite type of food and what do you love to cook?
My favorite food is Chinese food, however, I love to cook Italian food. My daughter and I like to make homemade pasta and sauce and she is an excellent meatballer!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Everywhere! I would love to take a year off and go everywhere via train, plane, boat… you name it.
Where is your favorite place to Party with Moms and what’s your drink of choice?
I enjoy Lugano’s after work… great appetizers and delicious wine selection. If I am on the other side of town, you can’t beat the Brussel sprout salad at Harvest. I only drink wine and typically an un-oaked Chardonnay; Cakebread is my favorite.
Theresa was recently interviewed by the Greenwich Time – read the article here