July 22, 2013 4:21 pm Miami Mom of the Week, Jana Neff!
What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them?
My daughter will turn 6 this month. My sons are 4 years old and 21 months. I like to play outside with them. We ride bikes, play soccer, build sandcastles, etc. They really enjoy it and I do too. My greatest wish is simply that they find happiness in life.
When and where are you the happiest?
On the beach. I find the ocean very soothing.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I have long loved Southeast Asia. The beauty of the natural landscape combined with the serenity of many of the cultures make it a very special place. I love all the orchids, the empty beaches, the smell of lemongrass, and the groups of Buddhist monks. I have been trying to convince my husband (who is a steakhouse sort of guy) to join me at a detox retreat in the Philippines (which includes one week of only raw food). Wish me luck!
What quality do you most admire in a mother? And what woman has had the biggest impression on you?
I admire a mother who is calm and patient. I often find it difficult not to get worked up when my children are. Some women seem to handle this with natural grace. I admire them! I was very close to my grandmother as a child. She loved me absolutely unconditionally and always had a smile and hug for me.
What is your favorite book? Movie?
I am going to skip this question because I find it stressful to have to choose one favorite of anything.
What personal achievement are you most proud of?
Just being a mother of three children. Sometimes I still look at them and think, “Wow, I can’t believe that I MADE you!” It never stops being incredible to me.
What do you feel is your strongest talent?
I am good at making things look beautiful.
What do you like to do for fun?
My favorite day of the week is Friday, because we have a standing dinner date with our best friends and their children at the beach club on the island where we live. The kids run around playing ball on beach and the adults sip cocktails while we wait for our food. It’s always so much fun. We also go to most of the home Miami NBA games (Let’s Go Heat!). There is an intense energy and excitement there. It has been great to feel part of a winning team.
What is your favorite time of the day and why?
I often exercise in the morning before my children wake up. There is a walking path along the perimeter of the island where we live. I love to be out there in the early morning, as the clouds are just starting to part to reveal the sun. Often, it is the only cool time of the day in Miami. In the late summer and fall months, there is sometimes heat lightning over the ocean in the distance. It is so incredibly gorgeous-I keep trying to take pictures with my phone but they never come close to capturing beauty of the moment.
Where is your favorite place to go out in Greenwich? And what do you like to drink?
In the summer, I like to eat outside on the porch at L’escale. I drink the rose there because it makes me feel like I am in the South of France. Also, I was so excited by the opening of Green & Tonic in Greenwich! I love fresh juice! I try to drink a bottle of green juice every day. My kids like the grapefruit/orange/lemon juice there.