June 5, 2017 11:42 am Meet Ellie Christianson – Mother of 4 & Nurse Practitioner
What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them?
I have 4 children: Evan is 8, Bly 7, Amelia 5, and Julie 2 ½ months. My greatest wish for them is that they’re kind, caring, and respectful children and grow to be the same as adults. It’s incredibly important to me that all people are treated equally and that strong values are instilled in my children. Like most people, we have very busy lives and I love to just talk with my children about their day, even if it’s just while we’re driving in the car. It’s so hard juggling work, schedules, and sports to find meaningful moments. I feel like most times we’re just going from task to task. I find the time that matters most is taking a few minutes to throw the lacrosse ball around or having a fun dance party on our deck.
Who has had the biggest influence upon you?
My mother. She had 7 children. I’m the 2nd oldest and I watched her go back to school to become a respiratory therapist while my younger brothers and sister were just babies. She gave me the confidence to do the same. I started my master’s degree program when my oldest was a 1 year old and I had just found out that I was expecting our second child. I graduated on time in 3 years with close to a 4.0 GPA and that was with 3 children at ages 3 and under! It was a lot and I never could’ve done it had my mom not shown me that it was possible.
What quality do you most admire in a mother?
I most admire patience. There are times when I can be quick to react. I wish that I were more patient with my own children and so I admire those moms who stay calm and collected.
Besides motherhood, what other careers/opportunities have you enjoyed? And what are your strongest qualities?
I’m a nurse practitioner at Southern CT Dermatology in Stamford. What most people don’t know is that a nurse practitioner functions in the same capacity as a physician. I love our practice because we’re so up to date on all the current advances in dermatology from a wide variety of lasers to PRP for hair loss to microneedling. My fellow co-workers are also very nice people and I enjoy the team atmosphere. Even though it’s very busy, I look forward to going to work each day. Not everyone can say that! It’s perfect for me because I’m good at multitasking and staying calm when things get hectic. This past fall I sutured my daughter’s chin closed after she fell. If that’s not staying calm in a tough situation, then I don’t know what is!
Were you happiest in elementary, middle high school or college? Please explain why.
I think I was happiest in college. I began my college career at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. I grew up in a rural part of South Dakota on a farm so it was exciting for me to move to the city and be on my own. It was freeing to be away from the small town atmosphere and to have the ability to finally be me! Making new friends from all walks of life and being independent made it a fantastic experience. When I was a freshman in college a friend said, “Pretend like you know what you’re doing and where you’re going and people won’t think you’re a freshman.” Her advice worked so well that people would stop and ask me for directions and professors thought I was a sophomore or junior. Her advice worked almost too well, but it taught me about projecting confidence!
What do you like to do for fun and what is your idea of a perfect day?
We are blessed to have almost 5 acres of property including a stream, picturesque rock walls, and beautiful landscaping. We love to spend time on our deck while the kids are running around playing. My ideal day is having the children laughing and playing in the yard while my husband and I sit on the deck drinking cold beers and grilling.
What is one of your favorite books? Movies?
One of my favorite movies is Steel Magnolias. I can’t say I have a favorite book, but I recently read Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell, which is about teenage love. It was great.
What is your favorite type of food and what do you love to cook?
I love to eat Indian food, especially naan. Currently, I love to cook anything I can in the slow cooker. With an infant, I only have small, unpredictable increments of time to cook. If I can throw something together quickly, let it cook, and have it ready in time for dinner, to me that’s a win!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would go back to Kenya to do volunteer medical work, but this time I would bring my children. Seeing how people live in Africa completely changed my point of view on how we (in the Western world) live and on the world in general. I only had this realization as an adult. I’d like my children to see that not everyone has running water or electricity, let alone an iPad or Xbox.
Where is your favorite place to Party with Moms and what’s your drink of choice?
My favorite restaurant is Kawa Ni in Westport. I love going there with my mommy friends to drink sake bombs!
203 – 323 – 5660
1275 Summer Street – Suite 101
Stamford, CT