January 23, 2015 12:49 pm Meet Bro of the Month, Julien Jarry!
For the past two years, Julien has managed Organic Planet, a popular Greenwich restaurant featuring organic, non-GMO, vegetarian and vegan dishes. Now he is embarking upon his dream job – to be a photographer and videographer. This is something Julien has wanted to do for years. He plans to focus on architectural and real estate photography and videography locally, and also on people and special events.
Other interests of Julien’s include rock climbing, surfing, fishing, traveling for adventure and exploring other cultures. Julien grew up in Greenwich and spent three years in Southern California, traveling the coast in a sweet Volkswagen bus. As a youth leader for his church, Julien has traveled to Jamaica for the past 3 years to volunteer with children. Obviously he has taken many photos in his travels.
Julien is available for affordable photography sessions with families, realtors, and events.
Check out his website and see the amazing samples of his work…