June 24, 2013 2:20 pm Meet Andrea! This Week’s Mom of the Week from Brooklyn!
What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them?
I love to spend time in our Brooklyn neighborhood with my boys, 7 and 5. After 14 years, I have never appreciated my neighborhood more than on the days when we are enjoying the playground, a local restaurant or even the grocery store cereal aisle while laughing with friends we’ve made along the way. I wish most for my children that they will always have a community of people with whom they can laugh, cry, be themselves and find support when they need it.
When and where are you the happiest?
At home right after returning from a long early morning run. It’s always a struggle to motivate to get up and go, but it’s always worth it.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I admittedly love New York City more than any place in the entire world. When we do leave, these days the desire is not for big cities, but for sun and sky (and ocean and sand don’t hurt). Next trip… Patagonia?
What quality do you most admire in a mother? And what woman has had the biggest impression on you?
The ability to love unconditionally and unselfishly. My aunt, who never had children of her own, but who showed me that you don’t have to be a mother to someone to be the greatest teacher, mentor, friend and sounding board in the world.
What is your favorite book? Movie?
The Poisonwood Bible. When Harry Met Sally (with the original Swiss Family Robinson in close second place).
What personal achievement are you most proud of?
I am most proud of having decided to give up my career path to be a mom, 100% of the time, for six years after my kids were born. I often look back and remember how much I surprised myself when I decided travel down a totally unknown track that I never intended to take. I can honestly say that I went with my gut when I decided not to go back to work at the time. And I learned that, sometimes, going with your gut is the best thing you can do for yourself. I’m back now, and my career path is very different than it would have been otherwise, but I have no regrets. And, maybe, I’m even a better lawyer for it.
What do you feel is your strongest talent?
Being efficient. I don’t have time to waste, so I try not to waste any of it.
What do you like to do for fun?
Run. Hang out with friends and family. Eat good food (accompanied by good drinks). Read.
What is your favorite time of the day and why?
Evening. Hands down. Especially in the summer. I love when the day is winding down, obligations have all been taken care of, and I am sitting on my stoop with a glass of wine watching the world go by and knowing that only friends, family, conversation and relaxation remain in the day.
Where is your favorite place to go out in Greenwich? And what do you like to drink?
I don’t live in Fairfield County any more, but having spent most of my formative years there, I still like to take my boys back to Tod’s point to explore. Drinks – so many (can I say that)? At the end of a long work day there is nothing like a few cold beers with friends, on a summer afternoon a glass of wine with my husband on the stoop and, on any New York evening, a dirty martini can never set you down a wrong path (well, most of the time anyway).