March 7, 2016 12:04 pm Mom of the Week – Layla Lisiewski Creator of GreenwichMoms.com
What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them?
When I’m not watching my children watch TV (it happen sometimes right?)… I love taking them to museums and taking them for walks, whether on a trail or simply down our street. I love watching their little minds work and explore. It’s amazing to watch them discover their own incredible power to affect the world around them. My children are 2 and 3.5. My greatest wish for them is to be healthy and happy. My heart explodes when I look in the rearview mirror and see smiles on their faces and twinkles in their eyes. I can only pray that it never fades. Cue tears…
When and where are you the happiest?
My happy place is Bermuda. My husband and I were married at Tucker’s Point Hotel and to go back with our kids is simply magical. I love the beach and the plane ride is a piece of cake!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
When I was growing up, my family would take a trip for Christmas instead of exchanging gifts. I will always be grateful to my parents for bringing us to amazing places, that opened our eyes to how fortunate we really are. I will forever remember our trips and I hope to carry on the tradition of traveling with my children. If I could go anywhere in the world, I would love to visit Patagonia. I’m always up for an adventure and I’ve heard the sights are breathtaking… a welcome reminder of how beautiful and big the world is, outside of our beautiful town.
Who has had the biggest influence upon you? And what quality do you most admire in a mother?
The person who has the biggest influence on me is my wonderful husband, Gary. He has a magic about him. His honesty is refreshing, his sense of humor makes me laugh so hard I lose my breath, his loyalty is admirable, his dedication to the things that matter most in life is unmatched, and his adoration for his family gives me butterflies. I have found my true self through him. He pushes me to do new things the moment I get settled in a routine. He makes life exciting! As a mother, I strive to mirror his honesty, sense of humor, loyalty, dedication, and unconditional love for those who matter most.
What do you like to do for fun?
So, truth be told, I am competitive by nature. I love an activity that brings out the fire in me… A game of basketball in the driveway, a dance off with the kids (yes, even that can be competitive), a solid ping pong tournament, or an endurance class at the gym, to name a few. If I go too long without satisfying my thirst for competition, I find myself timing how long it takes me to get through the grocery store and making a mental note to beat it the next time. Competitive with a sprinkle of crazy.
What is one of your favorite books? Movies?
I can’t remember the last time I read a “grown up” book cover to cover and the last movie I saw was Happy Feet so I’m really racking my brain to think of a favorite book and movie. The first book that comes to mind is Chelsea Handler’s… It was the first book that made me laugh out loud. With movies, I can’t watch any one movie more than a couple times and I can’t say I have a favorite but I am drawn to action movies more than anything else.
Besides motherhood, what other careers/opportunities have you enjoyed? What are your strongest qualities?
I am obsessed with my new venture, GreenwichMoms.com. There was a void in our community that needed to be filled. I grew up in Greenwich and I knew the moment I left, that I wanted to come back and raise my family here. Even for me, a long time resident, I found that I really needed to re-discover the town from the point of view of a new mom. So why not make it easier by having everything mom- related at your fingertips! (It is equally as much for me as everyone else!)
GreenwichMoms.com was founded with the simple goal of giving moms the gift of time! We provide a comprehensive collection of resources about our local community, and opportunities to connect and engage with families nearby, to learn from… and support one another!
The website includes a calendar of events, a place for sharing your own local experiences and connecting to other families, a guide to neighborhood stores and restaurants, an introduction to the local school system—and also general information helpful to all families including easy-to-make and healthy recipes, new product reviews, and articles and posts highlighting the joyous confusion that comes along with being a parent.
GreenwichMoms.com offers two blogs to follow—one spotlights a kid-friendly event every day, and the other covers everything else having to do with parenting in Greenwich (and beyond). We also feature a local mom every week. What better way to create a sense of community than to introduce ourselves to one another? Party With Moms shares the same idea, too. I grew up in Greenwich, a community that thrives because people help each other, and I want to preserve that culture!
What is your favorite type of food and what do you love to cook?
I love to eat. I take pleasure in sitting down and enjoying my food. This doesn’t happen often for obvious reasons, so I make the most of every chance I get. My favorite meal is a porterhouse steak with creamed spinach (something light…). I am also not one to pass on dessert. When cooking for my family, it doesn’t get any easier than Mike’s Organic Delivery! Delicious produce, meat, fish, cheese, eggs, dairy, pantry items and more are delivered to our door on a weekly basis. Pasta is always a pleasure to cook because I know nothing will go to waste. Two words that make me love cooking even more: slow cooker.
What is your favorite time of the day and why?
My favorite time of day is school pick up. I always have cookies from Black Forest bakery on hand and we sit and enjoy each other’s company, exchanging glances and smiles in between bites. No words need to be spoken. Just a car filled with love and cookies.
Where is your favorite place to Party with Moms and what’s your favorite drink?
My favorite place to Party with Moms is anywhere I can get a good grey goose martini three olives UP! Recent escapades took place at The National, Gabriele’s, East End, Firenze and Le Penguin. I will also never say no to a good margarita at Bar Taco or Boxcar.