June 29, 2017 1:01 pm Why Choose Unisex Clothing?
Written Exclusively for partywithmoms.com by our Guest Contributor, JenB’s Home
With childrenswear steadily growing over the course of the last decade, it has finally become ripe for innovation and fresh ideas. Over the past five years, Business of Fashion reported that the industry has grown by over 10%, and the current figures have exceeded predicted market growth. This means that the opportunity—and pressure—for brands to adapt to different demands from parents everywhere is huge, and this is extremely exciting for the consumer.
Unisex clothing is one of the most interesting directions that childrenswear has been taking. Also referred to as gender-neutral, clothing that both genders can wear have been making waves among grown-ups, and has been able to make its way to kids. Is this good news?
At first, parents both young and old were worried about the trend. It was backed up, after all, by strong and assertive undertones, making it appear like a huge decision to make rather than just an available option. But recently, big brands not only from the world’s fashion capitals but also from countries such as Spain and Belgium have been coming up with exciting and fun options for children.
It isn’t about changing the rules — it’s about doing away with the worst of them
It makes complete sense if you think about it. As gender neutral childrenswear brand Tootsa points out, the trend isn’t about stopping girls from wearing dresses or anything pink. In other words, it isn’t about making new rules on top of old ones, or even changing them, it’s about thinking them through and deciding which ones aren’t good for the kids.
Unisex is about letting kids be who they are: kids!
Why is this important? UK movement Let Clothes be Clothes stated: “In reality, girls and boys are more alike than different: they are children. And we create inequality by convincing girls and boys that they are different to each other.” As a movement, concerned parents want to encourage other parents to allow children the freedom to make their own choices, particularly about what they wear, the toys that they want to play with, and the things that they’re interested in learning. In other words, their message really is this: let children be children.
There isn’t really much to worry about so relax!
Psychologist Peter Gray spoke of the Culture of Childhood as an idea that other children influence children more than adults do. He claims that the world that children move in is entirely separate from us grown-ups.
This idea emphasizes that kids communicate with other kids in the very same ways that we communicate with other grown-ups: through our language, the music we like, how we dress, and so on. It is within these circumstances that they learn very important lessons about how to deal with other people, essential social skills that they’re taking with them as they grow up.
The good news is how this whole thing changes gradually as they enter our world as grown-ups. The culture of childhood can be seen as a practice culture, and what they do—and yes, what they like to wear—changes as they learn from the whole experience.
It might just be that our roles as parents lie in allowing them to make the most out of this wonderful experience. We could probably even learn from them as they go.
JenB’s Home is a self-proclaimed UK’s no. 1 auntie who is a blogger by day and a reader by night. She believes that reading to her niece every night is not just a relaxing way to cap the day but also a great way to exercise her niece’s young mind. Fairy tales remain in her list of favorite books.