February 19, 2020 2:26 pm Dealing With Threats To Children In The Home
Written & Contributed by – Lenore Broach From The UK
Photo Credit – Pixabay
A Party with Moms article “It’s Summer! Do You Know Where Your Children Are?” discussed how playing outside has evolved, with parents now keen to account for their offspring’s every moment of the day. In our parent’s day, children could be out from dawn until dusk and not be at risk, but that’s not acceptable in the modern world.
Similarly, attitudes have changed around the home. Little thought was paid to safety in the home in the past. Children were often left to find out the hard way that knives were sharp or that falling down the stairs hurt. That’s no longer the case, with parents eager to ensure their home is as safe as possible for their children.
Parents are entrusted with keeping their children safe. It is the main principle of being a parent: your child’s wellbeing is of paramount importance, over and above anything else. With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of risks to your children in the home that you may not have considered, and how to deal with them.
Big Screen TV
In days gone by, the television was only a threat because of what was shown on it. TVs tended to be bulky, so heavy that it might have taken two people to move it from one room to the next.
Modern TVs are sleek, stylish and can be tipped over easily. Inquisitive youngsters might want to touch their favorite characters on screen, which could lead to accidents. Make sure any large TVs are either out of reach, or secured properly.
Insects, particularly those that sting, can be a huge threat to children. We all had stings and bites as youngsters, but with so many allergies and reactions causing problems it is better to be safe than sorry.
Wasps, in particular, are a menace and you should thoroughly check your property for signs of a nest if you notice an increase in numbers. Laura Rudd’s guide on how to get rid of wasps on HomeServe on how to get rid of wasps on HomeServe discusses how wasps can be of benefit to homes but they can also be dangerous, especially to children as they endure painful stings and risk an allergic reaction. To counter this problem, Buzz About Bees covers how you can identify a wasp’s nest and, if you find one, it’s advisable to call a professional rather than to tackle it yourself.
The modern parent already knows not to fill a crib with stuffed toys which may caused a breathing hazard, but what about excessive blankets? In the winter, it might be tempting to wrap your child up warm, but blankets could cause a serious hazard. Sandford Health recommend nothing more than a firm mattress and a fitted sheet, free of excess blankets, toys or bumper pads. This should allow your child to sleep soundly, as well as safely.
Even the cleanest of homes can attract mold, especially the in cold, damp months of winter. The EPA suggests the best way to control mold is to manage the moisture levels in your home. A dehumidifier will help with that. Run it for a few hours in your child’s bedroom in the morning, and then in any rooms likely to be colder than the rest of the house.
Your bathroom and kitchen may already have a dehumidifier, but if not consider getting a portable one to run in times of excess moisture, such as showers, baths or cooking. Do not plug it in to run in the bathroom though. Leave it outside the door to prevent moisture spreading around your home.
Paying attention to all of these measures will ensure that your home is even safer for your children.