February 8, 2017 10:55 am Campus Kids – A Great Summer Camp Idea
Campus Kids is a “weekday sleep-away camp.” Your camper spends Monday through Friday at camp in Blairstown, NJ and comes home on weekends to share his or her adventures with the family. The camp provides transportation to (Mondays) and from (Fridays) camp, a perfect, hassle-free arrangement for campers and families.
When? Camp dates are June 26 – August 11, 2017. Choose sessions of two weeks or longer.
Who? Campers are age 8 to 15. There are lots of teenagers!
Where? Using the rural campus of Blair Academy enables Campus Kids NJ to provide superb facilities and comfortable dorms. Sports activities include squash, tennis, golf, yoga, fitness, swimming, softball, soccer, lacrosse, skateboarding, gymnastics, ultimate Frisbee and more. Arts include ceramics, theater, crafts, painting, drums, guitar, photography, dance and more.
The Best Part? Each camper chooses his/her own activities every day. The emphasis is on having fun, trying new things and supporting individual choices. Our active, involved staff puts physical and emotional safety first.
Tuition is all-inclusive. That means no extra charges. Tipping is not allowed. Campus Kids NJ has been ACA accredited since its inception in 1991.
For more information, please call to schedule a private weekend tour for your family.
973 – 845 – 9260