April 2, 2015 11:34 am An Exciting Opportunity For Your Elementary School Naturalist
Published on April 2, 2015
in Education & Programs
If you have a rising 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grader who loves exploring the natural world, Putnam Indian Field School has a great mini-camp. Each morning the group will meet in the PIFS Science room to gather a little knowledge, and then set out in the school’s bus for pond, woods and seashore exploration. Your child will gain awareness of woodland, marine and freshwater ecology while having a great time doing hands-on exploring. Taught by experienced PIFS faculty. Bring boots, sunscreen and a lunch to eat on the trail.
July 20 – 23 (Monday – Thursday), 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
101 Indian Field Road, Greenwich, CT 06830
Tel. 203.661.4629 – www.PIFS.net