August 30, 2019 1:23 pm 5 Simple Ways to De-Stress for Busy Moms
By Guest Columnist, Emily Roberts
No matter how old your kids are, they can be a handful at the best of times. With many moms working long hours in the office, not to forget trying to run a busy household at the same time, it comes as no surprise to learn that stress levels can go through the roof. We all need a bit of a helping hand from time to time, so it’s important that you give yourself some time for yourself too. With that in mind, here are five simple ways to de-stress for busy moms.
Go For A Walk
If you’re a stay at home mom, it’s only natural that you may feel claustrophobic at times. Trying to keep your house in running order, while cleaning up after the kids can tire you out, so try and find some time where you can head outdoors and get some much-needed fresh air. There are so many health and scientific benefits that are linked with being outdoors, such as improving your memory, lowering blood pressure, and of course, giving you time to de-stress!
Call A Friend
If you don’t have a partner to talk to, motherhood can feel incredibly isolating. Family and friends are incredibly important, especially if things are getting too much, so having a strong support network around you can make the world of difference. Even simply calling a friend up for a long-overdue chat can help to relieve stress, helping to bring a bit of peace and calm to your otherwise hectic schedule.
Engage With Other Moms
Knowing there are others going through the same thing as you can be a huge relief, so why not reach out to other moms? If you’re unable to get out and meet people in person, you may want to consider using social media platforms like Emenator where you can create your own group (or join a pre-existing one), enabling you to engage and network with other busy moms. Emenator is regarded as a one-of-a-kind social media experience, allowing users to create groups and clubs based on their interests and personal views.
Take A Long Bath
If you’ve had a long day at work or have some time for yourself after doing the chores, many of us love nothing more than a long hot soak in the bath. Getting some candles and your favorite bath cream can help you to relax and unwind. You can even take in your iPad and put on some music or watch a film.
Take A Nap
Being on the go constantly will drain you like you wouldn’t believe, so if you can find time for it, take a nap! If you have a newborn, it’s best to sleep in sync with your baby. Getting some much-needed rest will provide you with the energy you need to get through the rest of the day.
There’s no beating around the bush, motherhood will have its ups and downs. Whether you have support around or not, it’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed at times, so knowing how to de-stress can make a big difference. Whether it be going for a walk, calling up a friend, or taking a well-deserved nap, these are just a few things that you can do to feel more relaxed and calmer.