More Vignettes by Anne

More Vignettes by Anne


Tender Thoughts
John collected a few small pinecones with his babysitter Mary. He put them in his small wooden treasure box in his room along with the smooth blue button his friend Rosie gave him. The box also contained a pair of chopsticks, still in the wrapper, from the first time he used a pair with his mother and father, and a small green car given to him by his grandparents before they left for Florida, which he didn’t want to mix with his other cars. A gray blue scallop shell that they found on their first day at the beach was also in the box. As he looked at each small thing, John wondered if there would be a box big enough for all of the future treasures he would love as he lived his life.

Just then Mary came in with some warm chocolate chip cookies and milk.

“Mary, if I keep finding special things and want to keep them, how will I ever fit them in the wooden box? Do I have to stop loving things?”

“Oh John, of course not. Maybe you will get a bigger box or put things out on a shelf. I bet your daddy has another one of these boxes. You can have a wooden box collection too. When you know how to write, instead of putting your treasures in the box maybe you will write about them and draw pictures of them and make a book.”

John smiled with enormous relief. “These are your best cookies ever, Mary! I love them enough to put them in my box but I want to eat them. Thank you.”


A Working Family
Jenny had a terrible sore throat and had to stay home from nursery school. Robby felt sorry for his twin sister. He almost began to cry as he heard her try to speak. She was sad too, to miss her day with Robby, her friends and teachers.

David Howe, the children’s father was a veterinarian who had an office in their house. Carol Howe was a reporter for their local news channel. She had left early that morning for a nearby small town reporting on the disappearance of a spectacular thirty-two year-old parrot and beloved family pet, named Polly.

When Heather, David’s assistant arrived, David asked her to keep Jenny company while he drove Robby to school.

“I’ll miss Jenny, Daddy. She makes everything more fun. The spaghetti soup she makes in the dress up area is better than the other kids’. Everyone will miss her. Trish and Eileen will miss her too. “

“Maybe you can draw her a picture.”

“I will and I bet other kids will too. What will you do today, Daddy?”

“I have to check on a dog. He woke up and couldn’t move his back legs. I’ll take a ride over there after I drop you off.”

“Will you be able to fix him?”

“I think so but I haven’t seen him. I’ll know more when I pick you up.”

They drove down the school driveway. Robby could see the hay maze and lots of pumpkins. “Poor Jenny. I hope she gets better and can come to school tomorrow.”

“Me too, Robby. Try to have fun for both of you. You can tell Jenny about it later.”

“Bye Daddy. I hope the dog gets well and the parrot comes home and Jenny feels better.”

When Robby walked into his class, his teachers smiled and patted him.

“Are you by yourself?” Eileen asked.

“I am. Jenny has a sore throat.”

Trish and Eileen came over to Robby. “Let’s blow her kisses!”

The few children who had arrived, Robby and his teachers blew kisses wildly to Jenny, which made Robby feel better. He sat down with Becky and drew a picture for Jenny. Becky drew a heart for Jenny. In no time they were drawing hearts, flowers and little shapes for her.

The art teacher, Bailey came in and cheerfully announced, “Robby, I just heard your mother helped to find Polly the parrot! She is home now with her family.”

Robby smiled more than he ever had in his life. He knew his mother would be so happy. He knew this would help Jenny to feel better and maybe even the dog’s legs would move again.

The hay maze was fun, although he would love to have done it with Jenny. He carted two small pumpkins around in a little red wheelbarrow. After a while he found Becky and they jumped off the bales into a pile of hay. Then it was time to gather at the tree to go home.

Robby was hugged goodbye by his teachers, who handed him a stack of drawings and a note for Jenny.

“Thank you! See you tomorrow.”

Robby’s father helped him into his car seat and they were on their way.

“Daddy, how’s the dog?”

“He’s fine. Lucky is running like a puppy again. The Johnsons stayed up all night with him. They were heartsick but just as I arrived, Lucky got up. I took some X-rays and everything looks great.”

Robby pulled out the pictures for Jenny. “I hope Jenny is okay.”

“Heather stayed with her. Jenny feels better. She’s waiting to have some soup with you. Mommy is on her way home too!”

Daddy, I just love today.”

David opened up Robby’s car door and kissed his little boy. “Me too, Robby. Me too.”

Written by: Anne Martine Cook, Managing Partner & Mom, with 40+ years experience teaching nursery school children.

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