QuadJobs Tag

  Need a babysitter? Help with gardening, moving furniture or serving at a party? Math or science tutor? Retail clerk? Camp counselor? IT assistant? When your to- do-list gets too long, QuadJobs can get you the help you need. QuadJobs is an online service that allows you to post your job description and be matched up with college and graduate students who want to do it (and have the skills to do it well). The students are...

  On the spectrum of helicopter parents, I hover somewhere in the middle of all the hovering. I've been known to hand feed my 6-year-old daughter bites of broccoli if she's too distracted to get the job done. I hold myself back from adding activities to our calendar, restricting my kids to a mere "too many." I won't comment on how many bottoms I'm wiping on any given week. [caption id="attachment_5487" align="aligncenter" width="370"] Great article by one...

What do you love to do with your children? How old are they? And what is your greatest wish for them? Our children are 6, 4, and 2.  Favorite activities include dancing, building and cooking with them. Reading books to them at bedtime is one of the highlights of my day.  I love the coziness of snuggling into a chair or bed together, enjoying a good story, and it doesn’t hurt that they are freshly bathed...