Football Tag

  NCAA National Championship Football Game!  Georgia +4 o/u 46 Kickoff at 8:15 on ESPN    Martin Luther King Day, Monday, Jan. 15   Friday, Jan. 19 YWCA BRAVA Awards 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM, at the Hyatt Regency, 1800 East Putnam Ave, Old Greenwich. Celebrate Women’s Achievements in their professional careers. Proceeds support services and programs of the YWCA.   Contact   Saturday, Jan. 20 Magic Show with Magician Ben Zabin  Two 50-minute shows, at 11 AM and 3 PM, presented by the Junior League of Greenwich...

  Cos Cob Author Offers Game-Changing Advice For Super Bowl Sunday via COS COB, Conn. -- Aside from the commercials, the halftime show and the snacks, the Super Bowl offers an opportunity for teachable moments with your kids. So says Cos Cob resident Suzanne Wind, author of "The SMART Playbook: Game-Changing Life Skills For A Modern World."  "The Super Bowl is a great opportunity for parents to reinforce the importance of character," says Wind. "Even at the highest levels of competition,...